MD_YX5300 Library  1.3
Library for YX5300 MP3 player IC
Arduino Serial MP3 Player

The MD_YX5300 Library

This library implements functions to control RS232 Serial MP3 players based on the YX5300 and YX6300 ICs. These are often sold as "Catalex" Serial MP3 players and look like the device in the photo below. This library manages the serial interface and request/response sequences, simplifying running the device as a background task.

YX5300 Serial MP3 Player

The YX5300/YX6300 supports 8kHz to 48kHz sampling frequency MP3 and WAV file formats. The audio files are stored on a micro SD card that plugs into a TF card socket on the back of the board. The MCU controls the MP3 playback by sending serial commands to the module via the UART port.

Module Interfaces

YX5300 Catalex Layout

  • Control interface is a UART TTL interface (GND, VCC, TX, RX). Pins are connected GND to MCU ground, VCC to 5V power supply, YX5300 TX (transmit) to the designated RX (receive) pin on the MCU, YX5300 RX to the TX pin on the MCU.
  • TF card socket on the reverse side of the PCB for plugging in the micro SD card with MP3/WAV files.
  • Playback indicator (green LED) blinks during playback, steady otherwise.
  • Headphone jack for sound output to headphones or external amplifier.

MP3/WAV File

The micro SD card should be formatted as FAT16 or FAT32.

Songs must be prefixed with a unique 3 digit index number. For example 001xxx.mp3, 002xxx.mp3, 003xxx.mp3 (where xxx is an arbitrary optional name). Songs may also be arranged in folders named '01', '02', '03', etc. Even if you plan only one play list, it is better to keep them in a '01' folder.

An example of the folder and files on the micro SD card might look like:

+-+- 01
| + 001-Happy_Dance.mp3
| + 002-O_Sole_Mio.mp3
+- 02
| + 003-Humpty_Dumpty.mp3
| + 004-Incy_Wincy_Spider.mp3
| + 005-Grand_Duke.mp3
+- 03
+ 006-Fernando.mp3
+ 007-Mamma_Mia.mp3

There can be a maximum of 99 folders, and each folder can hold up to 255 songs.


Known Issues